On the remote, you are able to increase and decrease the amount of lights that appear orange or blue. You are also able to switch the colours to a different set of cones. Finally, you are also able to reset all cones to turn them off.
There are three different settings for the cones, namely pressure, delay and lifetime.
The pressure setting can be set from 0-30 seconds. This setting allows the lights of the cones to turn off after the set amount of seconds. If the sensor of the cones is set off while it is still on it counts as a point, but if it has already turned off the player was too late and no point Is counted. This allows for a player to act faster and creates a real game environment for the player to train in.
The second setting is a delay, which can also be set from 0-30 seconds. This setting allows the cones to light up after a certain amount of seconds. This allows the players to get more patient and increases the ability of a player to hold the ball for a certain amount of time. After the sensor of a certain set of cones has been set off the next set of cones will light up after the set amount of seconds is over.
The last setting is the lifetime setting. This setting can be set from 1-∞ amount. This setting counts the amount of times the sensor has been set off. After the set amount of times has been reached the system will stop automatically.