This exercise is similar to “The SmartGoal Ladder”, only in this exercise the distance between the SmartGoals is bigger. The SmartGoals have to be placed in a line (like a ladder). The players have to run through the illuminated SmartGoals 5 times. When a player completed 5 SmartGoals, the next player in line starts. | Skill: agility, acceleration, awareness | Coach on: intensity | Physical load: quadriceps, calfs, buttock muscles |
The player starts from the center of the circle. He/she has to run through the illuminated SmartGoals. Each time the player completes a SmartGoal, he/she returns to the base pawn in the middle and taps the pawn. | Skill: agility, awareness | Coach on: intensity, motivation to be as quick as possible | Physical load: hamstrings, quadriceps, calfs |
This exercise contains a lot of passing and running. The center player has to divide the game by reacting on the SmartGoals. He/she receives the ball and needs to dribble through the lit up SmartGoals. | Skill: passing, first touch, coordination | Coach on: execution, ball speed, pass on correct foot | Physical load: quadriceps, hamstrings |
A team of 2 players has to try to score as many goals as possible. One player will receive the ball and has to prepare it for the second player who has to score it through the lit up SmartGoal. | Skill: passing, cooperation, positional play | Coach on: execution, player roles, motivation, communication | Physical load: calfs, buttock muscles, quadriceps |
The goal of this exercise is to bounce the ball trough the lit up SmartGoals as many times as possible within a certain time spawn. | Skill: passing, bouncing, coordination | Coach on: communication, ball speed, motivation | Physical load: quadriceps, calfs, buttock muscles |
This exercise contains 4 defenders and 2 midfielders. This exercise trains your team to get a proper build up. Based on the SmartGoals the defenders have to decide which way they choose to reach the midfielders. They need to get the ball from side to side as fast as possible to reach the midfielder. | Skill: passing, positional play, communication, overview | Coach on: ball speed, communication, execution | Physical load: quadriceps, calfs, hamstrings
Ask the ball and run through the orange lit SmartGoal. Another SmartGoals will light up somewhere else. Dribble through that SmartGoal and pass it to the receiver. Run, receive, dribble and pass; that’s The Big Movement. | Skill: passing, ball control, agility | Coach on: pass on correct foot, intensity | Physical load: hamstrings, quadriceps, calfs |
The players have to dribble the ball as fast as possible to the pawn in the middle. When arriving at the pawn, the players have to decide which SmartGoal (that’s lit up in their team’s colour: orange or blue) they want to run through. When going through the SmartGoal they have to return to their team as fast as possible. When one returns, another one starts. | Skill: dribbling, ball control, agility, endurance | Coach on: intensity, decisionmaking | Physical load: quadriceps, hamstrings, calfs, |
The players have to sprint as fast as possible to the pawn in the middle. When arriving at the pawn the players have to decide which SmartGoal (that’s lit up in their team’s colour: orange or blue) they want to run through. When going through the SmartGoal they have to return at their team as fast as possible. When one returns, another one starts. | Skill: acceleration (speed), agility, endurance | Coach on: intensity, decisionmaking | Physical load: quadriceps, hamstrings, calfs, endurance |
One of the three SmartGoals indicate to which player need to be passed. The player that passes the ball to the second person has to coach the player that receive it, so this player will know which side he/she has to bounce/turn. Only coach the execution, let the players do the rest. The coach can choose to let the players decide if they turn or bounce, or can determine this ahead of the exercise. | Skill: ball control, passing, communication | Coach on: communication, pass on correct foot, ball control | Physical load: quadriceps, hamstrings, buttock muscles, calfs |
Place the SmartGoals in in a row, side by side. The player has to dribble, with the ball, through the lighting SmartGoals. After one player ran through four activated SmartGoals, the next player has to take over. So the players start one after another. | Skill: dribble (ball control), awareness, reaction speed | Coach on: intensity, execution | Physical load: calfs, hamstrings, quadriceps |
Let the players dribble around in the circle (Variant: let them do different warming-up exercises). There’s no active SmartGoal. While dribbling they have to be aware of the SmartGoal that will light up. When a SmartGoal lights up, the players have to compete who reaches the SmartGoal first. The first person who reaches the activated SmartGoal leaves the game and is ”save”. The game ends when there is only 1 person left in the game. | Skill: dribbling, awareness, reaction speed, acceleration | Coach on: stand on front feet, focus, executing possible exercises | Physical load: calfs, hamstrings, quadriceps |
This exercise is familiar with the Drop-Out exercise and can be done with or without ball. One difference: The players in this exercise go alternately (one after another) in a specific order. When a SmartGoal lights up there is only one player that has to run. | Skill: acceleration, awareness, reaction speed | Coach on: dribbling in place, stand on front feet | Physical load: calfs, hamstrings, quadriceps | Keep them focussed!